Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fresh Trends 2008

A brief summary of the survey taken by The Packer.


The likelihood of a person buying an avocado was highest in:

  • households making $100K or more, 51%. Consumers earning less than $25,000 were the least likely group to buy. This is a change from last year when consumers in the lowest income bracket were among some of the most likely to buy.
  • the West, 60%. In contrast, 33% and 21% of buyers in the South and Northeast, respectively, were likely to buy an avocado. The Midwest came in at 24%.
  • families with 3 or more kids, 42%. In households with no children, only 31% said they were likely to buy.
  • 21 to 39 year olds, 36%. Lowest in 50 to 58 year olds, 29%.

In papayas, the survey found that papaya purchases increased 3% over the year. 9% purchased papayas in the last 12 mos. Papayas were the commodity that consumers were least comfortable selecting. Only 13% said they knew how to choose ripe fruit. Only 9% said they knew how to ripen papayas once they got them home.

The likelihood of a person buying a papaya was highest in:

  • the Northeast at 10%, but tying for close seconds at 9% are the South, West and Midwest.
  • 21 to 39 year olds, 11%, 50 to 58 year olds, 4%. Other age groups came in right being the 21 to 39 year old results.
  • Families with 3 or more kids, 16%. In households with no children, only 7% said they were likely to buy.
  • Buyers that were single, 13%. Married buyers came in at 8%.