Monday, February 25, 2008

Barbara Figgins New Brooks Tropicals Office Manager

Barbara Figgins has been promoted to Office Manager at Brooks Tropicals.

Barbara -- an eight year veteran of the firm -- started as a 'temp' in the accounts payable department. Over the years she's worked in nearly every department in the financial organization.

"It's a friendly environment," says Barbara. "And it's a challenge," she's quick to add. But thankfully for Brooks, it's a challenge she loves.

"Barbara is a deserving and reliable employee," Janice Kolar, CFO points out. "She takes on any and all tasks thrown at her with a positive and determined attitude."

"I see my job as keeping everyone happy while we get the work done," says Barbara. "Diplomacy is an important skill in the job."

On a much lighter note, Barbara adds that "mechanical skills don't hurt." Being able to take apart and fix the shredder is in the plus column in the accounting department.