Fire Safety Training at Belize Fruit Packers
Reported by Darrell ThompsonOn December 22, 2009 the Food Safety Department, headed by Alfonso Villamil and Darrell Thompson, along with the personnel and safety department, headed by Mariela Leal, conducted a Fire Safety Training in prevention of a possible calamity that may occur. This Fire Safety Training was done by Mr. Ronald Frazer, Senior Fire Safety Consultant and Retired Senior Fire Fighter. Representatives from each department attended this half-day workshop in which they learnt different types of methods of fire prevention, fire extinguishers and their use.The attendees learned the
P.A.S.S. technique:
- P-Pull the Pin
- A-Aim at the base of the fire 6-8ft distance
- S-Squeeze the leaver
- S-Swift nozzle from side to side
Everybody got some practice in using this technique by extinguishing a fire deliberately made in oil drums. All questions and concerns were carefully answered by Mr. Frazer. Everyone felt that the training was a succcess. Congratulations to the new Fire Fighters of Belize Fruit Packers Ltd. Job well done.