Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Papaya a Rising Star in the Tropicals Section
Article from Fresh Plaza Newsletter

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Printer Friendly Merchandising Tips and Care Guide Now Online

Monday, June 18, 2007
SlimCados, avocados that trim fat and calories
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Download Brooks' Calendar for Your Computer's Desktop Background
Brooks Tropicals' popular deskpad calendar has gone digital. Download it and use it as your desktop background.
Every month the beauty of the tropics are illustrated as a backdrop to the month's calendar. Enjoy scenes from Mayan temples, views of vintage postcards, and panoramas of the Caribbean's tropical paradise.
It's simple to set-up. Go to (Brooks' employees can go to the company's intranet site) and click on the above icon. Select the month you want and the size you want for your monitor. Right click on your choice and set it as your background.
It's an easy and practical way to make the Caribbean a part of your day.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Publix Visits Brooks Tropicals' Homestead Facility
Carlos Martinez, Produce Buyer and Curt Epperson, Category Manager from Publix Supermarkets visited Brooks Tropicals today.

Monday, June 11, 2007
Lime Demand Widens
Monday, June 4, 2007
'SlimCados' Poised to Make Strong Comeback for Brooks Tropicals
When hurricanes Katrina and Wilma hammered south Florida in 2005, they caused extensive damage to every crop that was in bloom, fruiting or planted, including avocados.
It has taken two years to recover, but Brooks Tropicals in Homestead, FL is celebrating the first great crop of Florida avocados sinces the storms.
"We are projecting 1.1 million bushels, or about 4.4 million 12.5-pound flats this year," said Mary Ostlund director o
Ms. Ostlund explained that prior to the storms, trees were heavy with fruit, proving a major target for the strong wind and heavy rain. Fruit was torn from trees, causing extensive limb and tree damage.
"Following the storms, the trees had to be trimmed back and pruned" she said. " It takes more than a year for them to recover, so we have eagerly anticipated this season, which is living up to our expectations."
Pal Brooks, president and owner of the company has many years of experience with tropical fruits and is known as an expert in the category. Ms Ostlund said that he can look at a tree and determine its overall health. He and his staff have created a formidable forecast model based on their extensive experience.
"Pal can just look at a tree and tell you how old it is, its general health and how it will produce," she said. "I toured the groves with him in March to assess the early conditions. The heavy-flower blooms, he explained, indicated a strong crop. In mid-May I went back with him for an updated assessment, and he showed how the heavily laden trees were an indication of high volume and a great-quality crop."
Brooks Tropicals markets its avocados under the "SlimCado" name in order to distinguish them from Hass and other types. It markets about 70 varieties, which are all considered Florida avocados. The item's profile is considerably different that product grown in California and other areas. It is grown only in the Miami-Dade County region because it requires a true sub-tropical climate. It is larger and has a different appearance than Hass avocado.
"The early varieties are typically two to three times larger than the Hass," said Ms. Ostlund. "Because avocados don't ripen on the tree, they continue to grow larger until they are harvested. They can grow to as much as four or five times the size of other avocados as the season progresses. Between 12 and 18 ounces is not unusual, and late in the season they get as large as 16 to 26 ounces. The seed does not grow as the fruit increases in size, however, so consumers get more meat with the SlimCado. The skin is smooth, glossy green even when ripe.
"They are shipped hard and have a shelf life of about a week plus a couple of days after purchase. The only way to tell when they're ready to eat is to squeeze them gently to test the softness. People from the Pacific Rim, Caribbean and other tropical regions know this variety and tend to prefer them over others."
Another distinctive characteristic of Brooks' SlimCados is the considerably lower fat content. It has the "good" fat that makes it a permissible food for some of the more popular diet programs, but is has less of it, which makes the name SlimCado a suitable description.
Brooks Tropicals has already begun harvesting early varieties and will have promotional volumes beginning in July. The company grows some of what it sells, and it maintains groves for regional growers, but it packs, markets and ships all product. The firm is also unique in how it handles avocados.
"We hydrocool the fruit to the seed as soon as they are picked, " said Ms. Ostlund. "They are shipped hard to ensure good shelf life."
SlimCados are distributed to retailers and wholesales primarily along the East Coast with heavy representation in Florida and the Northeast. They are also shipped into parts of the Midwest.
Ms Ostlund said that this year's crop should see big demand. Several consumer magazines have contacted her expressing editorial interest, which is likely to send consumers hunting for SlimCados at their local supermarkets.
Avocado Growers Hope for Hurricane-Free Year
Section:Crops & Markets;
Page Number:B3
Friday, June 1, 2007
In Praise of the 'Alligator Pear'

Florida avocado season is here. With their luscious, buttery texture and delicate, sweet nutty flavor, Florida avocados might seem just a little too good to be good for you.
But not to worry -this is one delicious indulgence you don't need to feel guilty about.
The 'alligator pear' is a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and health fats.
"Avocados are something you can enjoy on a regular basis, especially SlimCados," said Mary Ostlund, director of marketing for Brooks Tropicals of Homestead, the nation's largest producer of tropical fruits and vegetables."
"SlimCados are considered very health. No need to reserve them for parties and special occasions for Florida avocados are actually lower in fat than other well-known varieties. The fat they do contain is mostly the good kind of fat - monounsatuarated. It's the kind that lowers LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and contributes to heart health."

Florida avocados are rich in vitamins C and # - two powerful antioxidants- and folate, which may play a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. Ounce for ounce, avocados have 50% more potassium than bananas.
Studies show a potassium-rich diet may help maintain normal blood pressure. Avocados are high in fiber, which can help with weight control and lower your risk for certain cancers, and they are cholesterol-and sodium-free.
The avocado probably originated in Mexico and Central America, where it has been cultivated for thousands of years. It was prized by the Aztecs and the Toltecs.
The avocado was introduced to Florida in 1833 by Dr. Henry Perrine, a noted horticulturist and pioneer of tropical agriculture in Florida: he planted avocados, mangoes, agave and other tropical crops on Indian Key before being killed during the Second Seminole War.
Today, Florida is the nation's second-largest producer of avocados (California is the largest). Most of the state's commercial avocado acreage is found in Miami-Dade County, in the agricultural communities of Homestead and the Redland, the hub of Florida's tropical fruit industry.
Florida's avocado season runs from June through January and is at its peak from June through September.
When shopping for Florida avocados, don't be shy about picking them up: you're looking for fruits that are heavy for their size. The skin should be taut, shiny and free of cuts and bruises.
"The skin should be bright green," Ostlund said.
"That surprises people. The Hass avocado from California turns dark, almost black, when it's ripe. But Florida avocados are a beautiful green."
A ripe avocado should yield slightly to gentle pressure, but if a soft squeeze leaves a dent in the fruit, the avocado is overripe.
"If you want tot eat the avocado right away, look for the fruit that gives just a little," Ostlund said. "But if you don't want to serve it for a day or two, choose a firm avocado and let it ripen on your counter. Avocados mature on the tree, but they won't ripen until you pick them. Once a mature avocado is picked, it will ripen pretty quickly."
You can speed up the ripening process by placing the avocado in a paper bag with a banana or an apple. When storing avocados keep in mind that they are topical fruits and re susceptible to chilling injury.
"You don't want to keep them too cold," Ostlund said. "The ideal temperature for storage is between 42 and 48 degrees. We don't recommend storing them at temperatures lower than 40 degrees".
Avocados are versatile and taste terrific in everything from salads and dips to main dishes.
Add avocado chunks to curries or fold them into omelets. Use them to stuff tacos and burritos or to dress up a burger.
You can even spread mashed avocado on a bagel in place of the usual cream cheese.
"Avocados are great on top of sandwiches, or in fruit salad with melon and papaya." Ostlund said.
"To make my favorite avocado salad, I buy coleslaw mix at the market and add chopped firm avocado, some sesame oil and a little hot sauce. It's a great, healthy alternative to traditional coleslaw and kids really love it."
Avocados work well in desserts too. You can make moist, cinnamon-spiked avocado bread and creamy avocado ice cream. There are recipes for avocado milkshakes, sorbets and cheesecakes.
"I know an avocado grower who swears the very best key lime pie you've ever could taste has avocado in it," Ostlund said.
"You make the key lime pie just as you normally would but then you fold in mashed avocado at the very end. I've tasted it and it's great."
For more "Fresh from Floridia" cooking ideas, visit